Monday, June 29, 2009

The Awakening of Feminity's Hysteria" 1996

"The Awakening Of Femininity's Hysteria"

Tread softly on my incubating tomb
For I am female, branded with urges
I lack a penis, though I encumber a womb
A new day gives birth, as the woman emerges
Breaking the ancient manmade mold,

advanced intellectual capabilities believed
Pre- existing theories become old,
nonconformity defiantly achieved
And I sing Dora, Dora, Dora on Freud's grave
he who pioneered the primitive theory of Femininity
Stone by stone permeating years of detriment as he paves
Befuddled with notions of genders inferiority to masculinity
Dr. Mandelet called them repulsive, abnormally insane
Resentment to authority created fear and male anxiety
Misunderstood, misdiagnosed from the masturbated brain
Intelligent woman were seen as witches of the occult society
Edna refused to accept the boundaries of conformity
Leonce feared losing control of his possession
Dr. Mandelet saw her resentment as a mental deformity
Edna fought the walls of ignorance and oppression
And I wonder what Freud would say today?
Peculiar, mentally ill, hysteria or depression?
Hysterical grew from fear of mans intolerance of dismay
Freudians shallow phallocentric perspective closed doors
Femininity the frustrating enigma , mysterious and complex
The patriarchal society governed by male gender laws
Those who reject were declared insane, hysterical, and perplex
Mystical, pseudo-intellectual super-spiritual beings possessed
Mentally ill are those who exercise a degree of autonomy
Caged will succumbs in the confines of the female suppressed
Abandoning her feminine duties conflicting the sexual dichotomy
Disturbed was the female who sought more fulfilling accomplishments in life
Dora was a victim of corruption and assumptions in the wave of repression
Diagnosed by the hypocritical man who permitted incest and denied her strife
Her pain of sexual corruption was discredited as a sexually obsessed confession
Females have endure the agony of procreation and menstruation
Freud calls it penis envy, Mandelet says woman are inferior to men
Was it insanity, hysterics or ambivalence that provoked Lorena to castration
I wonder what Freud would say? she had a penis and threw it away..AMEN!!!!!
Khristina Lupinacci 1996

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Wordle: She has Awakened